by NutriSoya and Kathy Smith
One of America’s well-know fitness experts, Kathy Smith, recently teamed up with NutriSoya to create a Guide to Heart Health. Read Smith’s 7 steps toward improving cardiovascular health.
People with even the busiest of schedules can make simple adjustments to lead a heart-healthy lifestyle. NutriSoy soy protein and America’s favorite health and fitness expert Kathy Smith have teamed up to develop “NutriSoy Soy Protein and Kathy Smith’s Guide to Heart Health.” To order this free brochure, call 1-877-NUTRISOY and to receive more health-boosting exercise and diet tips from Kathy Smith, visit The brochure offers fitness and diet tips as well as Smith’s top seven steps to a heart healthy lifestyle.
1.It’s All About a Strong Beat
Have your blood pressure checked at your annual check-up. High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because it has no symptoms. Of the 1 in 4 adults that have high blood pressure, nearly one-third doesn’t know they even have it.
2.Look at the Label
Get in the habit of reading food labels to help you identify foods that are low in saturated fat and cholesterol. According to the American Heart Association, you should try to limit your saturated fat intake to less than 10 percent of total calories or less. Look for foods that are naturally cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat, including many soy foods, vegetables, whole-grain breads and fruit.
3.Keep Moving
By staying physically active, you’ll help your body stay healthy. As a goal, engage in 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity three to four times per week. Always consult with your physician before starting any exercise program.
4.Watch Your Weight
If your body mass index is more than 25, consult your physician or a dietitian to develop a healthy eating plan to regulate the calories and the amount of fat you eat. Obesity is now recognized as a major factor in coronary heart disease, which can lead to heart attack.
5.Toss the Tobacco
By eliminating tobacco use, you may reduce your risk of developing many health problems including heart attack, stroke, emphysema and cancer. One year after quitting, the risk of coronary heart disease decreases by 50 percent, according to the World Health Organization.
6.Check Your Cholesterol
As part of your annual visit to the doctor, have a cholesterol screening. People who have a total cholesterol of more than 240 mg/dL have twice the risk of having a heart attack as people who have a cholesterol level of 200 mg/dL or less. An easy way to reduce your cholesterol in your blood is by eating foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol including many soy foods and foods high in complex carbohydrates and fiber like fruits and grains.
7.Schedule an Annual Trip
See your doctor for yearly check-ups to monitor your health.
NutriSoy is a registered trademark of Archer Daniels Midland Company.